Anyone with cholesterol issues understand what’s actually ok or not ok to eat?

I was recently told I have high cholesterol levels (the “bad” kind) and need to lower it. But I’m very confused about nutrition labels and what they mean.“Cholesterol” on the labels- I assumed this was the one to look at, but reading online makes it seem like this is actually meaningless as it’s “dietary” cholesterol and not what actually ends up in your blood.“Saturated fat” - this is the one I’m now led to believe is the important one to avoid based on what I see online. However, things like nuts and dark chocolate have very high saturated fat- so does this mean those are bad? Googling seems to indicate they are fine or even good. I’ve read that only animal saturated fats matter like butter or red meat have. Is that the distinction?What about things like French fries or fried chicken (white meat) - understood these are not “good” for me but are they specifically going to add cholesterol to my system? via /r/HealthyFood
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